Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Stewart to McBride via the Cassiar and Yellowhead Highways

We are beating feet south to get away from the damp and mist.

It is raining and has been for the last few days so we want somewhere warmer and lots dryer.

As we left Stewart we stopped at the site of an

enormous avalanche which had lasted through the summer. It is on a couloir and so the locals know when one is due and the road gets closed until it comes down.

A little further up the road but still pretty near sea level we stopped at Bear Glacier. Sometimes this Glacier advances and forms an ice dam producing a temporary lake. Five times between 1958 and 1962 the lake emptied underneath its ice dam in a catastrophic tumult of muddy water, rock and ice.

The glacier is in retreat but is still within feet of the river. It also has a torrent flowing underneath it.

Staying at McBride we woke up to dusting of snow on the tops of the hill behind us.
The forecast gives a mix of snow and rain for tomorrow.


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