Saturday, January 17, 2009

I get to ride in a helicopter and visit the DynoRod man.


It all got a bit exciting last Sunday. I had had what I thought was a chest infection for about a week and although I managed the White Tanks and the pioneer cemetery hikes plus changing house batteries on the Trek during the week it turns out I was 7 days into a heart attack.

Carol drove me to the hospital in Wickenburg where they too think, to begin with, I might have pneumonia but soon work out that I have blocked heart arteries and that I am in real trouble. They call the chopper ambulance and get the DynoRod team on stand by at the cardiac unit 70 miles away in Phoenix as they load me in to the chopper.

We land on the roof of the hospital and minutes later they are shoving a large tube into my groin. I do not know what tranquiliser they were feeding me but it was pretty good stuff because I felt pretty unconcerned about it all. They took care of two of my three obstructed arteries on Sunday then the other on Wednesday and I was discharged on Thursday with a big book on how to look after my heart.

The good folks at the Escapees Park helped Carol drive the Trek down to Phoenix and the hospital car park has a section for RVs with hook ups so she was able to stay there and walk over to visit every day.

We have to hang around near the hospital for a couple of weeks as my heart may get a little out of control with all this extra blood supply.

Carol has cleared the larder of all the bad stuff I used to eat like bacon and crisps and we went shopping for fat free and low salt groceries like celery and shredded wheat today.

I feel fine today and the sun is shining here in Phoenix so we will be out getting my exercise and thinking about what might have been. It was a close call. However the cardiac nurse who looked after me seems to think I should be able to get back to a normal life in a few weeks.

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