Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To decorate or not to decorate that is the question?

We got some mail today, our mail service forward, stuff I had bought on RCU marketplace and the park programme for December. Included with the programme was a voting slip. There is a competition for the best decorated RV site. Carol is already enjoying playing with the inside and has a center piece roughed out, I on the other hand said I would do the outside in a rash moment.

In retrospect this may have been a mistake. especially as neon palm trees are already sprouting on sites, candy canes are marching down edges, fairy lights are outlining awnings and tasteful santas are popping up like gnomes. What am I to do? Those who know me, know how competitive I am. Those who know me really well are falling about laughing.

Maybe I can go for a roof mounted inflatable Santa with sled. Any ideas anybody.

Monday, November 26, 2007

We moved the BLOG

After several problems with previous BLOG host [ Topcities ] I have had enough and we are using the Google Blogger. It is a learning experience for me so things may be a bit rough until I work out what to do.

We are still at Bentsen Palms RV Park and are back in the sunshine again after 4 days of drizzle, low clouds and temps. in the 40s and 50s. Carol decided to go shopping on Black Friday, this is the day after Thanksgiving and it was like the January sales on steroids. Still I survived the experience and was glad we did not have to get up at midnight to catch the stores who opened their doors at 1am.

The Monarch butterflies are also back. These are topping up on the flowers outside our RV on their way south to Mexico where they spend the winter. We made the trip south using obscene amounts of petrol, they do it on flower power.