Sunday, September 14, 2008

Flying in the sunshine with the GALLATIN EAGLES

The sun is shining the wind is light and there is a flying field near our RV park so we went flying to today with the GALLATIN EAGLES.

It is an interesting location to fly at. There is an Indian sweat lodge on the right hand landing approach. Local site rules forbid overflying the lodge if it is in use and there was smoke and cars parked there today so it was out of bounds. Left hand approaches involve flying round the pits, behind a large tree and then between two buildings before planting it on a narrow and short strip.

I enjoyed my flights and was struck again by how friendly everybody is up here.

The fat one is playing with his noisy flying toys again! Still it is sunny out here at the field and the boss has covered me up so my bones are getting warmed up.

I have discovered a new wheese, I did not eat for a couple of days because of my last bit of tummy trouble so the boss tried to tempt me with proper REAL food. I have found that if I resist the old rabbit droppings she used to give me she will buy ROAST CHICKENS from WALMART and hand feed white meat. Yummee!

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